Saturday, March 20, 2010


I'd like to say thank you to both clubs DUSAC and Aughinish, Stephen and Martin in particular and to all who came to watch and listen my talks in Dublin and Limerick for the oportunity to present the results of our exploration in 2007-09. I'm constantly being amazed how much interest it draws considering the fact that more than often I have to force myself to get up from cosy bed on Sat morning (which I never really do anyway, it just fits here fine as a some kind figure of speech) and drag my gear to those dark and wet holes ...
In a bus on my way from Limerick I had a sudden gush of guilt that the last year passed somehow wasted due to my lack of organisation, recklessness in Aghinrawn etc., etc. so I grabbed a pen and quickly drafted a summary of cave diving exploits in Ireland in last three years. And it came as a some surprise that 2009 was actually a fantastic year, kilometres of virgin passages were discovered and new connections were forged.